Monthly Giveaway Drawing

Fringe Focus Monthly Giveaway Drawing

Win a print. Join the newsletter.

If you’re already on my email newsletter list, then you are now entered in my random monthly giveaway. I’m just gonna mail a print or some artwork to somebody randomly on the list. If you signed up a year ago, you’re entered! If you signed up today, you’re entered! And you’re entered forever. A new winner, every month, of whatever I feel like giving away. Fun!

There are no more details. Just sign up, and maybe you’ll get free stuff. The newsletter is pretty great anyway, and I usually only send 1 or 2 a month. It’s very chill, and full of new art. That’s it. This is a just a thank you for all those who are subscribers.

I will email you asking your street address when you win. And if you don’t win, there’s always next month! Just stay on the list, and I’ll pick an email at random.

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