
Fringe Focus

Regular price $39.00

Product image 1Cloverfield
Product image 2Cloverfield
Product image 3Cloverfield
Product image 4Cloverfield
Product image 5Cloverfield

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

This poster was designed for an official BAD ROBOT show with Gallery1988. I chose to draw my favorite JJ Abrams property: CLOVERFIELD. The Cloverfield monster.

What is an ‘Artist’s Proof’? Artist’s Proofs are the exact same print as the Main Edition, printed on the same paper at the same time. But they are my personal collection of prints, and usually comprise just 5 to 20% of the total print run. The noticeable difference is a lower edition quantity and the marking ‘AP’ written next to the number. Both the Main Edition and the Artist’s Proof are signed by the artist.

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