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ACME Poster in The Wall Street Journal

Rob Loukotka

Print isn’t dead! My ACME Corporation poster is featured in the Wall Street Journal (January 5th, 2013). ACME’s Best ...

Fringe Focus Wooden Coins

Rob Loukotka

No More Business Cards I’ve always been fascinated by old wooden nickels. I got a wooden token from a bar once, and k...

Fringe Focus New Zealand Video

Rob Loukotka

I highly suggest you watch this video in fullscreen. And in HD. This video is part of my Fringe Focus Landscape Prin...

New Fringe Focus Logo

Rob Loukotka

Fringe Focus started as my blog, portfolio, and as a replacement for my ridiculous last name: Loukotka. While I had s...

New Fringe Focus Portfolio

Rob Loukotka

I’ve been producing a lot of work this year, and I came to the realization that I needed a more rapid turnaround on u...

Fringe Focus Posters Around the World

Rob Loukotka

Posters Everywhere! A lot of my time this year has been devoted to my poster series. I’ve had a lot of fun doing illu...

Poster Prints Are For Sale!

Rob Loukotka

Earlier this year, I ran an exciting and successful Kickstarter project. It was tons of fun, and it resulted in print...

Kickstarting My Poster Prints

Rob Loukotka

The past couple months, I’ve spent a lot of time designing posters. The overwhelming response from you, the internet,...

Poster: The Deadline

Rob Loukotka

In case you were wondering, yes, the red guys are zombies. I wanted to design something where a person faced certain ...

Dribbble Invite Contest!

Rob Loukotka

Leave a Comment to Win! Dribbble is an invite-only design network, that allows you to post snapshots ( ‘Dribbbles’ ) ...
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