2015 marked the beginning of my most ambitious poster series yet, Famous Desks. At the time I’m writing this, I’ve released six huge posters in the store that each catalog gadgets and items from six different movie series (or cartoons).
I’ve always been fascinated by movie props, and how important some objects are to the plot. There’s so many movie posters featuring actor’s faces or explosions or whatever, but not much cataloging all the incredible devices / weapons / materials used on set. Each desk poster is really just my attempt to make the fictional world it is depicting more real. Making Wile E. Coyote’s cave full of ACME Corporation gadgets more real. Letting you sit sat Indiana Jones‘s desk, or work at Tony Stark’s workbench, or go inside the Ghostbusters firehouse. Seeing every single gadget Q ever made for 007, or all the gadgets that Doc Brown had in his dirty garage from Back to the Future.
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Each print has been crazy complex, and for the first time, I’m cataloging them all together in some easy-to-browse imagery for both the blog and social media stuff. It’s kind of hard to condense six 36″ long posters into an easy-to-comprehend image. This is like 18 feet of detailed artwork, all at once. All the images in this post I encourage you to post / share if you get a chance.
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These first six posters were an immense amount of work (taking the better part of a year), but I plan to continue the series in 2016. Some fictional desks, and perhaps some real desks as well. They take a long time to draw, but it’s worth it because these are the sort of prints you can stare at over and over and always find new little details. A lot of folks have been hanging them in their offices near THEIR desks, which is pretty cool.
Each 36×12″ Famous Desk poster is available as a print, or as a framed print with a wooden museum-style gallery plaque. View Large Image
If you haven’t checked out each of my Famous Desk illustrations already, here’s a quick link each illustration in the series:
The Desk of Mr. Stark (almost sold out!)
The Desk of Dr. Jones (also will sell out soon)